Tuesday 29 September 2015

Pet carriers to tackle dog snoring

The sound of snoring is not easy on the ears at all; and when it comes from your sleeping dog, it certainly becomes a thing to worry about. The snoring of a dog is not only annoying, but also indicative of a serious health problem. Although there might be various factors contributing to a snoring problem, the general conclusion you can reach when you find your dog snoring is that it is suffering from a blocked nose. According to veterinarians, a snoring dog should not be taken lightly at all. The most common causes of snoring in dogs are as follows.

1.       Rhinitis

Dogs are prone to respiratory infections and allergies which might cause inflammation in their nasal tissues. This situation is termed rhinitis, which gives rise to a tendency to snore. Although the infection subsides within a week, it might demand treatment if it does not show any sign of abating even after a week. 

2.       Fungal Infection

Fungal infection caused by mold on humid days might be a cause of snoring. Such infection, if left untreated, might take an ugly turn towards other serious diseases. However, such a situation can be prevented by maintaining extra caution during rainy days. To avoid a mold infestation, the dog should be clothed in clean apparel and pet carriers and beds should be kept tidy and dry.

3.       Foreign bodies

A blocked nose can also be caused by the accidental inhalation of a foreign body. It is a problem common to young dogs, who might inhale small pieces of dog toys, blocking their nose. This makes it imperative for you to consult a veterinarian if your dog suddenly starts snoring while sleeping. Moreover you must keep dog playpens and other playing spaces de-cluttered enough to prevent such situation.

4.       Obesity

This is undoubtedly a universal cause of snoring, which does not discriminate between man and dog. Obesity blocks up the trachea rings, making it difficult for your dog breathe when it is lying down, resulting in snoring. Needless to say, obesity must be controlled as it causes a wide range of health problems.

5.       Breed characteristic

An inadvertent cause of snoring is your dog’s breed. Short-nosed breeds have a natural tendency to snore while sleeping. However, the aforementioned causes might aggravate the sound of snoring, which a dog owner must be able to notice. Any change in the volume or frequency of your short-nosed dog’s snoring should be taken seriously.

via essentialpaw.com

Pet carriers for dogs are now available online

Even the most responsible pet owners sometimes make mistakes unintentionally that can make pets uncomfortable. Whether you already have a pet or are considering adopting a new one, it’s necessary to know about different breeds, their behavior, healthcare and grooming. Discover some of the most common mistakes made by dog owners and avoid them to give your pet all the comfort it needs to live a happy and peaceful life with you.
1)      A puppy is better than a dog
Many people have the misconception that adopting a puppy is better than a dog because you can train him/her. In reality puppies are needy and require a lot time, attention and training. Most breeders provide complete training to dogs so that they easily adjust to their new home.
2)      Neglecting to socialize your pet
It’s necessary to introduce your pet to different animals, individuals and surroundings. Confining your pet to the home or a dog crate can lead to fear and aggressive behaviour. Take him to dog friendly parks where he/she can play and socialize with other dogs. You can also take your pet on vacations or long drives, this will not only make your bond stronger but will also keep your dog active and healthy.
3)      Delaying veterinarian appointments
Whether you have a puppy or a grown up pet, timely visits to the veterinarian should be made every once in a while. This way your dog will be given all the necessary vaccinations and these regular check-ups will keep any ailments and disease at bay. Introduce your dog to pet carriers at an early stage to make vet visits quick and easy in the future.
4)      Ignoring dental health
During vet visits don’t forget to get your dog’s dental health checked too. Ignoring the simplest signs of periodontal disease can lead to loss of teeth. Dogs need dental cleaning too but not as frequently as humans, maybe every few days.
5)      Unbalanced diet
One of the most common mistakes majority of pet owners make is, they don’t check labels or read reviews before buying pet food. Check the ingredients and feed your dog small amounts every few hours, overfeeding is not love. Poor diet can make your pet obese and vulnerable to a number of physical illnesses.